Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Leavin' Jesse McCartney- Dude, you are gross.

I know this song is old, but yesterday I saw the music video, and believe me THAT was a mistake. He's on the bed with a girl, ummm yeah that made me a little uncomfortable. Music video was super gross, but the song is totally addiciting. But it was kinda hot with his short off, *drools* he he. I might watch it again, LOL.


Proabley the WORST show on disney channel, so stupid and they can NOT act. What ever happened to That's so Raven? I hate hate hate Jonas, I never liked it, they are BUTT ugly all of them, so JONAS GET OFF DISNEY CHANNEL U STUPID FREAKS!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jon and Kate + 8- How will they survive?

As you may know, this big yet used-to-be loveable family has been shattered ever since the word came that Jon and Kate have divourced. So keep reading for the whole scoop:
Many tabloid magazines have had numerous pictures and witnesses of Jon cheating on Kate. Many are shaking their heads saying, "How could you, Jon?" But, what's strange is that Kate seems so calm about the whole matter. "She's too busy with the kids that she doesn't stop to think about her failing marriage." says People Magazine. As the public is seeing Jon with other women, many are curious that Jon would go on, without Kate even knowing. But then the bomb shell hit the crowd. "We're seperated, we've been seperated for 6 months, and we're heading for divource court." says Kate. Many are shocked, and the whole media is speechless. So this maybe this is the reason why Kate doesn't give a big how-could-you-do-this-to-me phase on Jon. They were seperated, and he is free to see other women. But fans are dissapointed on Jon and Kate for for many reasons, but 3 are the most important.
1. They just renewed their vowels like a year ago, promising they wouldn't divource. (shocker...)
2. They kept the secret for 6 months. Leaving the public accusing Jon for nothing.
3. They have a very popular show, watched by millions, and now it's over.

The story's not over yet! Read on how Kate tells the kids that their marriage is over:

In case you didn't know why the show was amazingly popular was because Jon and Kate had one pair of twins, and then hoping for another child, they had sextuplets. Making a show, the family got very popular. But anyways, Jon left the house, so it was up to Kate to tell the kids about the divource. Kate tells the little ones first, I'm not sure they got the whole Idea, Kate was like, "Daddy and I aren't together anymore, which means Daddy lives in another house." So they were basically like,"Oh, what's for lunch?" So then Kate went to the twins, (Mady and Cara) saying the same thing. Cara cried and Mady was like, "I knew this was gonna happen *rawr*. So, this was basically the OMG its over story of how Jon and Kate + 8 used to be the best show, but now is the most drama show.

Ashley Tisdale- You like curvy noses?

There she is, pretty ashley got a nose job. If you can't see the diff. After the nose job her nose is curvier giving it some structure. Before its not curvy but straight. So I hope you see the diff.

Twilight vs. New moon + Robert vs. Taylor

You tell me, which one was better I haven't seen New moon but from the likes of it I'll shoot for today. But I've read new moon and frankly, I am not impressed, worst book in the whole saga, so sad and edward was basically a Bi-ach. So IDK about the movie, I'll have to see.

Ok! Whoes hotter Taylor or robert? Its not contest duhhhhh its taylor!!!!! I never even thought Robert was cute. So Taylor is totally my bo. LOok at his 6 pack. I'm gonna stare at it cuz dudes it is HAWT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (oh and p.s. I think taylor and selena gomez are going out :x)

Selena Gomez- Why turn blonde?

Selena, gurl you are NOT a blondie hate to break it to ya. Most likely as curious as the public is, what up with dah blonde wig. My guess is that you were disguised. Sorry Gomez everyone can reconize that pretty face of yours. Others are saying that you would like to be blonde instead of brunnette, hmmmmm.....?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!Very sweet movie and very about this movie. It starts form when he was little all the way to college and its veryyy cute. So I must say, watch it .You'll learn alot z its very good!!!!!!!